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HE Author of a Differtation concerning Rain,' Printed here in 8vo. undertakes to explain the different Sorts of Rain. He afcribes a Blood Rain to an extraordinary Quantity of Vapours arifing from Mines of natural Cinoper, or Vermillion, or from that Clay or Red Earth that ferves to make Bricks. He afcribes to the fame Cause the feeming Changes of Water into Blood, like thofe that have been feen within these few Years in Dalecarlia, in the Country of Heffe in 1684. and at Berlin in 1677. (See a Curious Obfervation of Mr. Maundrell in the Margin) Brimftore and Silver Rains, fays the Author, proceed from the fame Caufe. Stone Rains are only, in all Probability, a very hard Hail, wherein grofs Vapours happen to be entangled. Fire-Rains may arife from the fame Caufes, that produce Boiling-Wells, that is, from Sulphurous Vapours coming out of Marcaffite Mines. The Author mentions afL 4


* Mr. Maundrell having faid, that he came to a fair large River, which is doubtless the Famous River Adonis, fo Famous for the Idolatrous Rites performed there in Lamentation of Adonis, goes on thus. "By this 'Means we had the Fortune to fee what may be 65 fuppofed to be the Occafion of the Opinion, which "Lucian relates, concerning this River, viz. That 63 the Stream at certain Seafons of the Year, efpeci

ally about the Feast of Adonis, is of a bloody Co"lour: Which the Heathens looked upon as pro "ceeding from a kind of Sympathy in the River "for the Death of Adonis, who was killed by a wild

Boar in the Mountains, out of which this Stream

ter Scheffer a Fire-Rain, that fell in 1629. upon the Lake of Landfee. It was mixed with Water; but the Sparks burat the Cloaths of thofe on whom they fell. Our Author affirms, That fome credible Perfons told him, they faw a like Rain fall in 1705. upon the Lake of Vefman in the Western Dalia: It ftuck to Cloaths like a Kind of burning Soot.


HE Abbot de la Paluelle has published a Book at Caen, wherein he decides feveral Cafes con. cerning Lords and Vaffals, Pátrons and Curates.

Refolution de plufieurs Cas de confcience, & des plus importantes queftions du Barreau, touchant les droits

devoirs reciproques des Seigneurs & des Vasaux, des Patrons & des Curez, tant pour le For exterieur que pour celui de confcience; par Meffire Jofeph André de la Paluelle, Licentie en Theologie & en Droit, Curé de Clinchamps, Syndic du Diocefe de Coûtances, & Seigneur & Patron de la Lucerne. Caen 1710. Two Volumes in 8vo.

The Author examines this Queftion, among others: Whether the Lord of a Manor may lawfully require from

rifes. Something like this we faw actually come to pafs; for the Water was ftained to a furprising "Redness; and, as we obferved in Travelling, had difcoloured the Sea a great Way into a reddish Hue, "occafioned doubtless by a Sort of Minium, or red Earth, washed into that River by the Violence of the 66 Rain, and not by any Stain from Adonis's Blood". A Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem. London 1707Pag 34 35.

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The Heathen Priefts fhould have been fo honeft, as to tell the People, That the Ghange of the Water into a Red Colour was not a miraculous Thing.

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from a Curate that he fhould prefent him the Sprinkle, to take fome Holy Water with his Hand. The Abbot declares that fuch a Pretenfion is unjuft, con trary to the Practice of the Ancient Times, and inju rious to the Church. The Afperfion (fays he) is made in the Church to purify the Congregation of the Faithful. The Lord of a Manor is one of the Faithful: He ftands in need of that Spiritual Remedy as well as the People; and therefore he ought to receive it, as others do, (that every Body may know the Spiritual Authority which God has bestowed upon the Priests over all the Laity,) and not in a manner unworthy of thole who minifter at the Altar. If fuch a Novelty be introduced into the Church, (continues the Abbot,)" we fhall fee, to the Dif grace of the Clergy, the Curates, who reprefent Jefus Chrift, when they perform the Function of "their Miniftry, obliged to hear for a Quarter of an "Hour the Compliments of the Ladies and Gentlemen, who fit in the Lord's Pew. The Minister of





Jefus Chrift muft ftand still bare-headed, in his Albe "and Surplice, till all the Compliments are over, and "hold the Sprinkle in his Hand till my Lady pulls "off her Glove ".

A curious Differtation concerning Tithes has been inferted in this Work.




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ΤΟΥ ΕΝ ΑΓΙΟΙΣ ΠΑΤΡΟΣ ΗΜΩΝ ΙΩΑΝΝΟΥ ΤΟΥ ΔΑΜΑΣΚΗΝΟΥ, Μοναχέ, και Πρεσβυτέρα Ιεροσολύμων, τα ευρισκόμμα πάλα. Sanai Patris noftri JOANNIS DAMASCENI, Monachi & Presbyteri Hierofolymitani, Opera omnia quæ exftant, & ejus nomine circumferuntur. Ex variis Editi onibus, & Codicibus manu exaratis Gallicanis, Italicis, & Anglicis, collecta, recenfita, Latinè verfa, atque annotationibus illuftrata, cum præviis Differta tionibus, & copiofis Indicibus. Opera & ftudio P. MICHAELIS LEQUIEN, Morino-Bolonienfis, Ordinis F. F. Præ dicatorum. Parifiis, apud Joannem-Baptiftam Delespine, viâ Jacobæâ, ad Infigne Divi Pauli, prope Fontem S. Severini. 1712.

That is,

THE WORKS of St. JOHN DAMASCEN, a Monk and Prieft of Jerufalem, collected, revifed, tranflated into Latin, and illuftrated with Notes: To which are added fome


Preliminary Differtations, and large Indexes. By Father MICHAEL LEQUIEN, of the Order of St. Dominick Paris. 1712, Two Volumes in Folio. Vol. I. Pagg. 710, befides the Prolegomena. Vol. II. Pagg 926.


HE following Extract is taken from the "Journal des Sçavans, printed at Paris.

"I have heretofore published * a fmall Piece "relating to this Edition, which was then in the "Prefs.

THIS + is a complete Edition of St. John Da

mafcen: The Publick wifh'd for it a long time: Several Perfons went about it with little Suc cefs; and it is at laft brought to its Perfection by Father Lequien, whofe Capacity, already known by fome other Performances, made every body fenfible that this Work would anfwer their Expectation. Ma ny Qualifications were requifite to fucceed in fuch a Defign; a great Skill in the Greek and Latin Langua ges; an exact Knowledge of Ecclefiaftical Hiftory; ari indefatigable Application in collating the Printed and Manufcript Copies; a great Sagacity to make a right Choice among fo many Variations. All thofe Qualities are to be found in the Learned Editor; and yet if we may believe his Epiftle Dedicatory, we fhould be de prived still of the Fruits of his Labour, had it not been for the Help and Protection of the Abbot Bignon, whereby Father Lequien was enabled to overcome the Difficulties, which appeared to him infurmountable with respect to the printing of this Work. A Bookfel


See Art. XL. in the First Volume.

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