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astonishment. In our

apprehension nothing is so plain as how it has happened: we always foresaw and predicted it: so far from being surprised at the result which has occurred, we should have been astonished if any other had happened.

Although all the great interests of the empire, that is, all persons having an interest in our institutions or possessions, are adverse to Ministers, yet there is an immense number of persons, even in those different sections of the community, who have not only no sympathy with them, but have decidedly adverse wishes. The empire is composed not only of the holders of property, but the holders of no property; not only of the house of Have, but the house of Want; not only of the good, but the bad; not only of the religious, but the infidel; not only of the industrious, but the prodigal; not only of the lovers of their country, but the haters of its institutions. Every class of society has numbers of such men in its bosom; every interest it contains, swarms with their ranks; every year that is added to the national age adds something to their numbers. There are abundance of insolvent landholders, bankrupt tenants, ruined merchants, labouring manufacturers, profligate publicans, indigent tradesmen, destitute operatives, not to mention the whole "host of abandoned and profligate moral characters;" the covetous, the sensual, the selfish, to whom the grandeur of the empire is an object of hatred, and the success of their compeers a matter of envy. "As many," says Bacon, "as there are overthrown fortunes, are there votes for innovation;" and to that class nothing will ever be so attractive as a government which promises to pave the way for the realization of all their dreams of plunder and enjoyment. "Community of goods and women," gin for sixpence a-bottle, ale for the asking, bread for nothing, or at your neighbour's expense, constitute a very efficient war-cry for an age far advanced in wealth and civilisation, teeming with opulence, groaning under riches, abounding with wealth in some quarters and mouths in others. Nor will such a party ever want leaders: there are Catilines and Cetheguses in other ages besides that of Cicero. Without ascribing such

desperate projects to any of the British aristocracy, it is sufficient to observe, that a certain portion of the nobles will always be found in every country, who, from the various motives of spleen at rivals, disappointed hope, party violence, court vexation, Ministerial ingratitude, private profligacy, or factious ambition, will put themselves at the head of such a coalition; and a few honest men in inferior station who will, from deluded philanthropy or private resentment, follow its ranks.

It is this vast party, which the Reform Bill warmed into political life, by which the Whig - Radical Ministry have from first to last been sustained. We do not say that the whole Whig-Radicals are persons of the sort we have named. There are some of their number whom we esteem and love, though we consider them as labouring on this subject under monomania; but we do most confidently say, that the vast majority of this hideous coalition is actuated by these motives, and that it is to carry them out that they support the Ministry. They dread the Conservatives, because they will put a period to the progress of the Movement: they support the Administration just because they see they are incapable of resisting it. The announcement of the open-question system is sufficient to set the whole Liberal camp in a tumult. However much they may abuse and despise Ministers, they will never fail to support them, and rally cordially round their banners at an election. The eloquence of Peel or Graham, of Stanley or Colquhoun, only confirms them in their opinions: by convincing their judgment that Ministers are incapable, you determine them to give them their most strenuous support. The Irish Papists, with O'Connell at their head, exclaim"Huzza for the Incapables! They are the men for our money-they will soon prostrate the strength of the empire-they will render the 700,000 fighting men unnecessary-they will avenge the wrongs of seven centuries - they will reinstate the Gael over the Sassenach-they will place the Church of Rome above the Protestant heresy! Huzza for the Incapables!" The Radicals say-" Huzza for the Squeezables They cannot resist the Movement-the Ballot is already an open

question-the Corn-Laws are goingthe land and the House of Peers are falling-Universal Suffrage is in prospect! Huzza for the Squeezables!" The Chartists and Socialists exclaim" Huzza for the Intellectuals! They care nothing for religion or sectsall faiths are alike to them all establishments are equally useful, all creeds equally false-they will open the door for universal reading of Socialist books-halls of science will be seen in every street-the Church is falling-Christianity expiring-all property will soon be common-Huzza for the Intellectuals!"

Thus this hideous coalition, composed of such jarring and frightful materials, is yet held together by the common bond of anticipated ruin to the state; and, while openly professing these doctrines, and urging on these principles, give their cordial support to the present Ministers, from the belief that by so doing they will best promote their dissolving and anti-national projects.

They, in fact, make no disguise of their designs; they openly say that they support Ministers because they are "squeezable," and because instalments may more easily be extracted from their hands than those of their opponents. We do not say the members of the House who support the Cabinet are actuated by any desire of effecting these objects, or bringing about the ruin of their country; but we say that the course they pursue is calculated to produce that effect, and that their supporters in the constituencies are for the most part actuated by these motives. In fact, they don't disguise them; they are everywhere proclaimed in the streets and on the housetops; and therefore it is that they always have and always will rally round the Whig-Radical Administration. They make their representatives vote they have confidence in Ministers, precisely because they themselves have No. CCXCIV.


Edinburgh: Printed by Ballantyne and Hughes, Paul's Work.



APRIL, 1840.





"FORTUNA Sævo læta negotio, et
Ludum insolentem ludere pertinax
Transmutat incertos honores,

Nunc mihi, nunc alii benigna.
Laudo manentem: SI CELERES QUATIT

MR PARKINSON, Mr Aubrey's solicitor, who resided at Grilston, the posttown nearest to Yatton, from which it was distant about six or seven miles, was sitting on the evening of Tuesday the 28th December 18, in his office, nearly finishing letter to his London agents, Messrs Runnington and Company-one of the most eminent firms in the profession-and which he was desirous of dispatching by that night's mail. Amongst other papers which have come into my hands in connection with this history, I have happened to light on the letter Mr Parkinson was writing; and as it is not long, and affords a specimen of the way in which business is carried on between town and country attorneys and solicitors, here followeth a copy of it:

"Grilston, 28th Dec. 18-. "Dear Sirs,

"Re Middleton.

"Have you got the marriage-settlements between these parties ready? If so, please send them as soon as possible; for both the lady's and gentleman's friends are (as usual in such cases) very pressing for them.

Hor. Carm. Lib. iii. 49.

sound,' and paid for it on the spot £64. A week afterwards, his attention was accidentally drawn to the animal's head; and, to his infinite surprise, he discovered that the left eye was a glass eye, so closely resembling the other in colour, that the difference could not be discovered except on a very close examination. I have seen it myself, and it is indeed wonderfully well done. My countrymen are certainly pretty sharp hands in such matters-but this beats every thing I ever heard of. Surely this is a breach of the warranty. Or is it to be considered a patent defect, which would not be within the warranty ? - Please take pleader's opinion, and particularly as to whether the horse could be brought into court to be viewed by the court and jury, which would have a great effect. If your pleader thinks the action will lie, let him draw declaration, venue - Lancashire (for my client would have no chance with a Yorkshire Jury.) Qu. Is the man who sold the horse to defendant a competent witness for the plaintiff, to prove that when he sold it to defendant it had but one eye?

"Mule v. Stott.

"Puddinghead v. Quickwit. "Plaintiff bought a horse of defendant in November last, warranted to an amicable settlement. You may

" I cannot get these parties to come



remember, from the two former actions, that it is for damages on account of two geese of defendant having been found on a few yards of Chatmoss belonging to the plaintiff. Defendant now contends that he is entitled to common, par cause de vicinage. Qu. Can this be shown under a plea of leave and license? - About two years ago, also, a pig belonging to plaintiff got into defendant's flower-garden, and did at least L.3 worth of damage -Can this be in any way set off against the present action? There is no hope of avoiding a third trial, as the parties are now more exasperated against each other than before; and the expense (as at least fifteen witnesses will be called on each side) will amount to upwards of L.250.- You had better retain Mr Cacklegander. "Re. Lords Oldacre and De la Zouch.

"Are the deeds herein engrossed? As it is a matter of magnitude, and the foundation of extensive and permanent family arrangements, pray let the greatest care be taken to secure accuracy. Please take special care of the stamps".

Thus far had the worthy writer proceeded with his letter, when Waters made his appearance, delivering to him the declaration in ejectment which had been served upon old Jolter, and also the instructions concerning it which had been given by Mr Aubrey. After Mr Parkinson had asked particularly concerning Mr Aubrey's health, and what had brought him so suddenly to Yatton, he cast his eye hastily over the Declaration'

and at once came to the same conclusion concerning it which had been arrived at by Waters and Mr Aubrey, viz. that it was another little arrow out of the quiver of the litigious Mr Tomkins. As soon as Waters had left, Mr Parkinson thus proceeded to conclude his letter:

"Doe dem. Titmouse v. Roe.

"I enclose you Declaration herein, served yesterday. No doubt it is the disputed slip of waste land adjoining the cottage of old Jacob Jolter, a tenant of Mr Aubrey of Yatton, that is sought to be recovered. I am quite sick of this petty annoyance, as also is Mr Aubrey, who is now down here. Please call on Messrs Quirk, Gammon,

and Snap, of Saffron Hill, and settle the matter finally, on the best terms you can; it being Mr Aubrey's wish that old Jolter (who is very feeble and timid) should suffer no inconvenience. I observe a new lessor of the plaintiff, with a very singular name. I suppose it is the name of some prior holder of the little property held by Mr Tomkins.

"Hoping soon to hear from you (particularly about the marriagesettlement,) I am,

"Dear Sirs, "(With all the compliments of the


"Yours truly, "JAMES PARKINSON.

"P.S.-The oysters and codfish came to hand in excellent order, for which please accept my best thanks.

" I shall remit you in a day or two £100 on account."

This letter, lying among some twenty or thirty similar ones on Mr Runnington's table, on the morning of its arrival in town, was opened in its turn; and then, in like manner, with most of the others, handed over to the managing clerk, in order that he might enquire into and report upon the state of the various matters of business referred to. As to the last item in Mr Parkinson's letter, there seemed no particular reason for hurrying; so two or three days had elapsed before Mr Runnington, having some other little business to transact with Messrs Quirk, Gammon, and Snap, bethought himself of looking at his Diary to see if there was not something else that he had to do with them. Putting, therefore, the Declaration in Doe d. Titmouse v. Roe into his pocket, it was not long before he was at the office in Saffron Hill-and in the very room in it which had been the scene of several memorable interviews between Mr Tittlebat Titmouse and Messrs Quirk, Gammon, and Snap. I shall not detail what transpired on that occasion between Mr Runnington and Messrs Quirk and Gammon, with whom he was closeted for nearly an hour. On quitting the office his cheek was flushed, and his manner somewhat excited. After walking a little way in a moody manner, and with slow step, he suddenly jumped into a hackney-coach, and within a quarter of an hour's time had secured a☐ inside place in the Tallyho coach, which started for York at two o'clock that afternoon-much doubting within himself, the while, whether he ought not to have set off at once in a post-chaise and four. He then made one or two calls in the Temple; and, hurrying home to the office, made hasty arrangements for his sudden journey into Yorkshire. He was a calm and experienced man -in fact, a first-rate man of business; and you may be assured that this rapid and decisi ve movement of his had been the result of some very startling disclosure made to him by Messrs Quirk and Gammon.

Now, let us glide back to the delightful solitude which we reluctantly quitted so short a time ago.

Mr Aubrey was a studious and ambitious man; and in acceding so readily to the wishes of his wife and sister, to spend the Christmas recess at Yatton, had been not a little influenced by one consideration, which he had not thought it worth while to mention-namely, that it would afford him an opportunity of addressing himself with effect to a very important and complicated question, which was to be brought before the House shortly after its re-assembling, and of which he then knew scarcely any thing at all. For this purpose he had had a quantity of Parliamentary papers, &c. &c. &c., packed up and sent down by coach; and he quite gloated over the prospect of their being duly deposited upon his table, in the tranquil leisure of his library, at Yatton. But quietly as he supposed all this to have been managed, Mrs Aubrey and Kate had a most accurate knowledge of his movements; and resolved within themselves, (being therein comforted and assisted by old Mrs Aubrey,) that, as at their instances Mr Aubrey had come down to Yatton, so they would take care that he should have not merely nominal, but real holidays. Unless he thought fit to rise at an early hour in the morning, (which Mrs Aubrey, junior, took upon herself to say she would take care should never be the case,) it was decreed that he should not be allowed to waste more than two hours a-day alone in his library. 'Twas therefore in vain for him to sit at breakfast with eye aslant and thought-laden brow, as if meditating a long day's seclusion:

somehow or another, he never got above an hour to himself. He was often momentarily petulant on these occasions, and soon saw through the designs of his enemies; but he so heartily and tenderly loved them-so thoroughly appreciated the affection which dictated their little manœuvres - that he soon surrendered at discretion, and, in fact, placed himself almost entirely at their mercy; resolving to make up for lost time on his return to town; and earnestly hoping that the interests of the nation would not suffer in the mean while. In short, the ladies of Yatton had agreed on their line of operations: that almost every night of their stay in the country should be devoted either to entertaining their neighbours or visiting them; and, as a preparatory movement, that the days (weather permitting) should be occupied with exercise in the open air; in making "morning" calls on neighbours at several miles' distance from the Hall, and from each other; and from which they generally returned only in time enough to dress for dinner. As soon, indeed, as the leading county paper had announced the arrival at Yatton of " Charles Aubrey, Esq., M. P., and his family, for the Christmas recess," the efforts of Mrs and Miss Aubrey were most powerfully seconded by a constant succession of visiters-by

"Troops of friends,"

as the lodge-keeper could have testi. fied; for he and his buxom wife were continually opening and shutting the great gates. On the Monday after Christmas-day, (i. e. the day but one following,) came cantering up to the Hall Lord De la Zouch and Mr Delamere, of course staying to lun. cheon, and bearing a most pressing invitation from Lady De la Zouch, zealously backed by themselves, for the Aubreys to join a large party at Fotheringham Castle on New-Year's eve. This was accepted a day and a night were thus gone at a swoop. The same thing happened with the Oldfields, their nearest neighbours; with Sir Percival Pickering at Luthington Court, where was a superb new picture-gallery to be critically inspected by Mr Aubrey; the Earl of Oldaere, a college friend of Mr Aubrey's the venerable Lady Stratton,

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