INTENDED CHIEFLY FOR THE USE OF THE By the late WILLIAM GILPIN, M. A. PREBENDARY OF SALISBURY, AND VICAR OF BOLDRE, IN NEW FOREST. VOL. IV. PUBLISHED BY HIS TRUSTEES, FOR THE BENEFIT OF HIS SCHOOL AT BOLDRE, THE THIRD EDITION. LONDON: NIVERSIDAD CENT DONACIÓN PAONY PRINTED FOR T. CADELL AND W. DAVIES, IN THE STRAND. 1 ADVERTISEMENT. THE whole of this Volume is printed from the corrected manuscripts of the Author, whose last employment it was to prepare it for publication. Some of the Hints were composed towards the conclufion of his life. The twenty-fecond and twenty-third were dictated by him, only two or three days before he died. The two first Sermons have appeared in print: they were Visitation Sermons. The first was preached before the Bishop of Winchester, A 2 |