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Merope: A Tragedy, 1858.

New Poems, 1867 (43 pieces, 36 being new, including 'Thyrsis," "Rugby Chapel," and "Obermann Once More").

Poems, 1869 (in two volumes-i., "Narrative and Elegiac"; ii., "Dramatic and Lyric").

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Poems, 1877 (in two volumes-i., "Early Poems,' "Narrative Poems," and "Sonnets"; ii., "Lyric," Dramatic," and "Elegiac Poems"; one new poem, "Howarth Churchyard").

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Poems, 1885 (library edition in three volumes-i., "Early Poems," "Narrative Poems," and "Sonnets"; ii., "Lyric and Elegiac Poems "; iii., "Dramatic and Later Poems").

Poetical Works, 1890 (popular edition, one volume). Saint Brandon, 1867.

Geist's Grave, 1881.

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American lecturing tour, 30,
87, 103, 126, 221, 410

Amos, 238

Analogy, Butler's, 174
Aristotle, 79, 379
Arminius, 285-287, 293
Arnold, Dr., 139, 156, 162, 163,

166, 352


can lecturing tour, 30, 87,
103, 126, 221; and Ireland,
355, 422-438; and Liberal-
ism, 62, 151, 407, 417, 418;
and middle class, 40, 135-
151; and Nonconformity,
301-320, 337-355, 357-376;
as controversialist, 5; at-
titude to Church of Eng-
land, 157, 321-357; attitude
to parties, 6, 62; attitude to
Roman Catholicism, 19, 203-
205, 355-357, 422-433; con-
troversial style, 27, 95;
criticism of religious dogma,
155 et seq.; crowded life,
15; Hellenism and Hebra-
ism, 76-93; his Hellenism,
9, 19; maxims, 16; mission
of culture, 4, 35-75; on aris-

tocracy, 99-101, 389; on
classical study, 130; on dis-
establishment, 219, 353; on
education, 37, 119-151, 426-
433; on function of criti-
cism, 5; on miracle, 195-
210, 212, 213, 261-277; on
politics, 379-438; on Puri-
tanism, 29, 77, 82-94, 278-
300, 337-357; opinion of
Fatalism, 20; philosophy of
life, 1-34; Protestantism,
19, 203-205, 282; religious
beliefs, 25; Stoicism, 25;
the party system, 407-421;
views on equality, 117, 384-
quoted-" A Farewell," 23;
"Empedocles," 158;
"Haworth Churchyard,"
166; "Heine's Grave," 59,
262; "Human Life 22,
394; "Lines Written in But-
ler's Sermons," 20; "Me-
morial Verses," 103; "Ober-
mann," 10, 13, 21, 158;
"Pis-aller," 267; "Progress,"
177; "Rachel," 19; "Resig-

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nation," 23; 'Rugby
Chapel," 14, 156; "Self-
Deception," 21; "Self-De-
pendence," 11; "Sohrab and
Rustum," 114; "Stagirius,"
21; "The Buried Life," 12;
"The Future," 236; “The
Last Word," 113; "To a
Friend," 10; "To a Repub-
lican Friend," 24; "West-
minster Abbey," 220;
"Worldly Place," 115;
"Written in Emerson's Es-
says," 20

Augustine, St., 18, 81, 251, 402

Bacon, 5, 87

Barbarians, 27, 53, 95-118
Barrow, 335

Baxter, 359

Beaconsfield, Lord, 95, 380
Bible Reading for Schools, 123
Bibliography, 439-443
Books of Maccabees, 238
"Bottles, Mr.," 104, 108
Browne, Sir Thomas, 265
Bunyan, 310

"Buried Life, The," 12
Burke, 32, 399, 438

Butler, Bishop, 17, 174, 274,

Byron, 103

Calvin and Calvinism, 84, 273,
284-288, 293, 341
Carlyle, 14, 18, 170, 176, 262
Cato, 404

Chillingworth, Bishop, 301
Church of England, Matthew

Arnold's attitude to, 157,


Civilisation, Arnold's views
on, 381-405

Colenso, Bishop, 166, 167, 175
Compensation, law of, 263,
Comprehension, Arnold's plea
for ecclesiastical, 337-357
Confessions of St. Augustine,

Cousin, 297

Creeds, Matthew Arnold on,
205-208; Dr. Temple on,208
Creighton, Bishop, 361
Criticism, the function of, 5
Culture and Anarchy, 34, 41-

75, 78, 81-83, 98, 105, 108,
127, 278, 299, 313, 320, 328,
343, 352, 356, 359, 366, 395,
404, 406

Culture, mission of, 35-75

Darwin, 274

David Copperfield, 136
Decalogue, ethics of, 237

Defoe, 310

Denham, Sir John, 13

Descartes, Réné, 256

Discourses in America, 34,

70, 126-129, 434

Ecce Homo, 169
Ecclesiasticus, 5

Education, 37, 119-151, 426–
433; in France, 38, 122, 137;
in Germany, 38, 122, 137,
149, 428

Eliot, George (Felix Holt),

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