| George Campbell - Bible - 1811 - 460 pages
...raise him 55 again at the last day : for my flesh is truly meat, 56 and my blood is truly drink. He who eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, abideth in me, and I 57 abide in him. As the Father liveth who sent me, and I live by the Father ; even so he who feedeth... | |
 | 1811 - 460 pages
...raise him 55 again at the last day : for my flesh is truly meat, 56 and my blood is truly drink. He who eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, abideth in me, and I 57 abide in him. As the Father liveth who sent me, and I live by the Father ; even so he who feedeth... | |
 | Catholic Church - 1815 - 738 pages
...said to the multitude of the Jews : My flesh is meat indeed : and my blood is drink indeed. He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood, abideth in me, and I in him. As the living Father hath sent me, and I live by the Father ; so ne that eateth me, the same also shall... | |
 | Barnaby Murphy - Church year sermons - 1816 - 346 pages
...of the Son of God, and the soul which is so happy as to receive him. " Yes," says Christ, " he that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood abideth in me, and I in him. As the living Father hath sent me, and 208 I live by the Father, so he that eateth me, the same also... | |
 | Thomas Belsham - Unitarianism - 1817 - 384 pages
...him again at the last day. For my flesh is truly meat, and my blood is truly drink. He who eateth rny flesh and drinketh my blood abideth in me, and I in him. As the Father liveth who sent me, and I live by the Father, so he that eateth me shall live by me.... | |
 | John Clowes - Bible - 1819 - 354 pages
...will ruise hiw up in the last day : For my flesh is truly meat, and my blood i*1 truly drink: He who eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood* abideth in me, and I iu bjsa. I'kis. is th« bread which coaeib down from heaven," John vi. 50 to 58; inasmuch as by flesh... | |
 | Jeremy Taylor, Reginald Heber - Theology - 1822 - 562 pages
...in the sacrament; and whatsoever the testament bequeaths, the holy mysteries dispense. 1. " He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood, abideth in me, and I in him*;" Christ in his temple and his resting-place, and the worthy communicant is in sanctuary and a place... | |
 | Mass - 1822 - 816 pages
...said to the multitude of the Jews : My flesh is meat indeed : and my blood is drink indeed. He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood, abideth in me, and I in him. As the living Father hath sent me,.and I live by the Father ; so he that eateth me, the same also shall... | |
 | Jeremy Taylor, Reginald Heber - Theology - 1822 - 560 pages
...in the sacrament; and whatsoever the testament bequeaths, the holy mysteries dispense. 1. " He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood, abideth in me, and I in him8;" Christ in his temple and his resting-place, and the worthy communicant is in sanctuary and a... | |
 | Jeremy Taylor, Reginald Heber - Theology - 1822 - 566 pages
...in the sacrament ; and whatsoever the testament bequeaths, the holy mysteries dispense. 1. "He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood, abideth in me, and I in hims;" Christ in his temple and his resting-place, and the worthy communicant is in sanctuary and a... | |
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